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Military Disability Lawyer

We Shepherd Your Case Through the PEB’s Administrative and Legal Pitfalls Using Proactive and Insightful Client-Focused Strategies with a Single
Goal: Winning Your Case

We Thoroughly and Deftly Analyze Your Case

We Clarify Your Goals, Strategy, and Tactics

We Provide Bespoke Solutions to Achieve Positive Outcomes

Let's Discuss Your Case

Don’t Struggle with the PEB!

The PEB process is not easy. Before working with Joel Pettit Law, many of our clients were confused, frustrated, and emotionally drained. This isn't supposed to be a war of attrition, but it can certainly feel that way.

Our 4-Step Process to Tackle Your
PEB Issues . . .

STEP 1: Discuss your CASE, free of charge

Step 2: Review All Relevant Records

Step 3: Create a Case Strategy and Action Plan

Step 4: Execute Towards Winning Your Case!

Learn More About What You're Up Against

Dive deeper into the military disability process with our experienced insights and step-by-step guides on our YouTube channel. We tackle the most pressing, confusing issues by breaking them down and discussing what Service members need to know.

Client Testimonials

“Without Joel going above and beyond, I would have had to go through another appeal, which would have taken at least another month to resolve. Joel's easy-going yet knowledgeable approach not only set my mind at ease, but also gave me the confidence to face the FPEB head on. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had Joel Pettit on my side; my fit finding and continued military career prove it.”
“Joel Pettit not only piloted my case to victory, but he also made sure to explain what pitfalls still lay ahead despite my positive PEB finding; he took the time to explain the broader picture so that I could avoid potentially having to face the PEB again before reaching my 20-year anniversary. If a Service member is looking for an intelligent attorney who’s truly passionate about what he does, I would recommend Joel Pettit six days a week, and twice on Sunday.”
“Although the FPEB and the post-FPEB appeal processes were nerve wracking, Mr. Pettit was always available to explain things and help address the issues that threatened to derail my case. His advice was always clear and well-reasoned; it's what saved my 16-year military career! Any Service member should be grateful to have Mr. Pettit as their IDES lawyer!”
“I highly recommend Joel Pettit! His passion for law and compassion for his clients is unmatched. Joel displayed exemplary knowledge and unmatched skills in the practice of law during our time working together. He is an amazing person and a phenomenal attorney! He won my case and I was able to regain permanent access to all of my military benefits. Again, I highly recommend Joel Pettit for all your PEB needs.”
“Joel Pettit was not only knowledgeable about all aspects of the IDES process, but he is also a great communicator. Joel is a straight shooter because he knows how he can best serve his clients like myself.... Smart, relatable, hardworking, and honest describe Mr. Pettit best. You should count yourself lucky if you can get him to represent you.”
Joel Pettit Law Expertise

Our Expertise

  • Physical Evaluation Boards (PEB)
  • Informal Physical Evaluation Boards (IPEB) Advisory
  • Formal Physical Evaluation Boards (FPEB) Hearings and Appeals
  • Post-FPEB Appeals
  • Medical Evaluation Boards (MEB) Advisory and Rebuttals
  • Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) Administration
  • Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC) Submissions
  • Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL) Periodic Evaluations
  • World-wide Duty (WWD) Advisory and Appeals
  • TDRL Strategy, Hearings, and Appeals
  • Limited Duty (LIMDU) Appeals
  • Permanent Limited Duty (PLD) Submissions
  • Medical Retention Review (MRR) Advisory
  • LOD Investigations (LOD-I)
  • LOD Benefits (LOD-B) for DES
  • LOD for Health Care (LOD-HC)
  • Veterans Affairs (VA) Disability Appeals & Examinations
  • Veterans Affairs (VA) Reconsideration Requests (VARR)
  • Correcting Military Records Appeals and Hearings (BCMR and BCNR)
  • Initial Review in Lieu of (IRILO) Advisory and Appeals
View Expertise Area DetailS

Frequently Asked Questions

Focused Attention: Unlike government counsel, we limit our caseload so we can thoroughly review your medical records, strategically gather evidence, seek specialized medical testing, and create a case presentation plan to optimize our overall case strategy. JPL is focused on providing quality legal representation and advice, period!

Unparalleled Experience: Government counsel generally have little experience outside their limited scope of work, whereas JPL is the only PEB-focused firm that has extensive government attorney experience at every stage of the IDES. Our depth of experience enables us to address the issues in your case from multiple angles, be they legal or administrative.

Quality Time: Government counsel have little time to spend with their clients. JPL is selective with its cases because we refuse to treat the law like an assembly line: we will spend the time necessary and use all methods available to present your case in the light most favorable to achieve the desired outcome.

Preparing the Battlefield: Although some military branches give Service members access to legal counsel sporadically during the IDES process, this is a poor substitute for a dedicated legal advisor who works with you to create a holistic, case-specific legal strategy, and who is conveniently available to answer the myriad of questions that are sure to arise.

Proactive Problem Solving: Having presented hundreds of cases to the Formal PEB, we know that board members view delays in addressing potentially unfitting conditions as evidence that the conditions are not unfitting. We work to identify and gather evidence as early as possible to sidestep systemic, avoidable, potentially catastrophic issues like these.

Creating Your Path Forward: Hiring JPL means focusing on the vital issues in your case, enabling you to make better decisions about not only your present situation, but also about your future. Whether you’re single, dating, married, divorced, or anything between, our goal at JPL is to lighten the burden so you can focus on moving forward to a better tomorrow.

Integrated Planning: We create case strategies focused on not only legal issues, but also administrative and operational matters that can significantly affect your case. A holistic strategy not only enables us to achieve better results, but also allows us to consider and plan for the potential long-term effects of near-term decisions.

Comprehensive Knowledge: Our insights stem not only from military service at the informal and formal PEB level, but also from our civilian, Federal government attorney experience dealing with the nuances and inner workings of the PEB, VA and BCMR. The mixture of military and civilian perspectives is key to addressing cases in a balanced fashion.

Peace of Mind: We proactively guide our clients through the constantly changing legal, regulatory, and administrative landscape that defines the IDES, BCMR, VA, and Federal judicial processes. Our relationships with present and former PEB members, administrators, and attorneys means JPL can provide guidance on which our clients can confidently rely.

About Joel Pettit Law

Our Firm Values


About Joel

Joel L. Pettit is a former Marine Corps Judge Advocate and solo practitioner based in Washington, DC, specializing in all phases of the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES). He has advised or represented over 1000 Service members and veterans during Informal and Formal Physical Evaluation Boards (IPEB and FPEB, respectively), post-FPEB appeals, and VA appeals.
View Joel's Bio
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